Online Sermons
On this page we will be posting sermons for our visitors to listen to online. The audio may take several minutes to load. I am in the process of working on this so that the download will be faster.
The Latter Rain - Douglas Potter This message is on the latter day outpouring of the Spirit of God.
The Mysterious Woman - Douglas Potter This message is on the Harlot of Revelation Chapter17.
No Time For Compromise - Douglas Potter This message is for Seventh Day Adventists.
The Seal of God - Douglas Potter This message explains the Seal of God versus the Mark of the Beast.
True Repentance - Douglas Potter This message is on real genuine repentance.
Trust God - Douglas Potter We surely must put our trust in God in the times that we are living.
Messages on the Sanctified Life
Called Out - Douglas Potter God calls His people to be separated from the worldly system.
We Need the Holy Ghost - Douglas Potter We, as Christians, need the indwelling presence of the Spirit of God in our lives.
Sanctification - Douglas Potter We are to be set apart, consecrated unto God.
What Goes In, Will Come Out - Douglas Potter Whatever we take into our heart by way of t.v., music and so forth will come out in our life.